
3 Times That A Divorce Court May Ask You To Attend Divorce Mediation

29 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Many couples who are divorcing seek the help of a mediator early on in the proceedings. If it's clear that there are some issues with which you're in disagreement and that you cannot rectify together, having someone trained in mediation can help you to reach a conclusion that works for everyone. Not all couples voluntarily attend mediation, however. If you're in conflict with your significant other about several topics that are a cause for debate when you go to court, it's possible that the judge will ask you to attend mediation. Read More …

A Family Law Attorney Helps You Make Important Decisions When You Go Through A Divorce

29 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Going through a divorce is usually a stressful event that was preceded by months of turmoil. You may be so anxious to be free of your spouse that you don't make the best decisions for your future. That's why you should always take your time when going through a divorce and get the guidance of an attorney. Even if your divorce will be uncontested, it's still a good idea to hire a divorce attorney to make sure you're protected and everything is in order as you go through the process. Read More …