Creating A Child Custody Agreement

24 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

One of the most challenging parts of the legal proceedings associated with a divorce is the child custody agreement. Whenever possible, it's in the best interest of the divorcing parties to settle on their child custody agreement together before going into court. This ensures that you both get a settlement that is agreeable to you. Here's a look at some of the key considerations to cover when you draft your child custody agreement. Read More …

Personal Injury Lawyer: Civil Litigation

4 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you're the victim of a crime that causes serious bodily injury, a personal injury lawyer can help you pursue civil litigation to recover damages. This civil litigation can be filed after the criminal case is settled, even if you receive punitive damages.  Here's how a personal injury lawyer can help you get the financial resources you need to recover from a serious injury. Filing After a Guilty Verdict If the individual(s) who injured you are found guilty in criminal court, your personal injury lawyer needs to prove that the injuries exceed the punitive damages awarded in the case. Read More …