Working With A Great Lawyer

What Are the Obligations of an Attorney in an Accident Case?

30 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Folks see advertisements for accident lawyers on TV all the time, but the ads don't really tell you much about what such attorneys actually do. More importantly, it helps to know what the obligations of attorneys-at-law in such situations are once they take on new clients. If you're wondering what your relationship with a lawyer really should be like, here's what you need to know about the subject. Protecting Clients' Rights Read More …

What You Need To Know About Signing Arbitration Forms

29 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you are about to start a new job and are going through your employment paperwork, you might have found forms requiring you to agree to arbitration instead of filing a lawsuit. Many companies are trying to steer employees toward arbitration because of the relatively speedy resolution and lower costs when compared to lawsuits. However, companies have also been trying to get every dispute to be solved through arbitration—including workers' compensation claims—and that can mean lower awards and a lower chance of winning. Read More …

No Contact Needed: What To Know About Assault

29 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When most people consider the word "assault", they just naturally assume that it means striking a person. This word applies to a variety of circumstances, and its definition is far from simple, however. If you or a loved one has been accused of assault, you must understand what is at stake so read on to learn more. What Is Meant by Assault? Most people are somewhat surprised when they find out that you can assault someone without laying a finger on them. Read More …

What To Know About Filing Personal Injury Claims For Home Birth Injuries

29 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

An increasingly popular birthing method is having a natural home birth. This method generally uses a midwife or doula. The birth takes places in the expectant mother's home and is assisted by the doula. Unfortunately, this home birth method can lead to damages and injuries that may not occur in the hospital setting. If you believe that injuries to your baby, or personal injury to yourself, occurred during a home birth, there are a few things you should know about filing the lawsuit and personal injury claim. Read More …

3 Times That A Divorce Court May Ask You To Attend Divorce Mediation

29 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Many couples who are divorcing seek the help of a mediator early on in the proceedings. If it's clear that there are some issues with which you're in disagreement and that you cannot rectify together, having someone trained in mediation can help you to reach a conclusion that works for everyone. Not all couples voluntarily attend mediation, however. If you're in conflict with your significant other about several topics that are a cause for debate when you go to court, it's possible that the judge will ask you to attend mediation. Read More …