Working With A Great Lawyer

Why And How To Keep A Journal After Your Recent Car Accident

9 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A lot of personal injury lawyers recommend keeping a journal after a car accident, and there are good reasons for this. If this is something your attorney suggests, it is important for you to understand why you should do this, and you will also need to know how to do this. Here are several tips to help you understand why and how to keep a journal after your car accident. Read More …

Does Adultery Affect Your Divorce Settlement?

8 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Any divorce is an emotionally charged process, but a divorce where one party is being accused of adultery can be particularly fraught. Cheating usually has catastrophic effects on a marriage, but how will it affect the divorce settlement once that marriage is coming to an end? In particular, you may be wondering whether the fallout from an affair is likely to affect asset distribution or child custody. This can seem like an even more daunting issue if the accused party is denying that the affair ever took place. Read More …

Divorce For The Self-Employed: Minimizing Financial Impacts

7 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Finding out how much you owe for child support and alimony when you're getting divorced is never fun, but it's even less fun if you're self-employed and have an inconsistent income. Your self-employed status doesn't make you exempt from paying alimony or child support if the court deems either of those appropriate. You need to be aware of how being self-employed affects how these amounts are calculated and what might be expected of you. Read More …

How Fleeing A Forest Fire Could Potentially Lead To A Suspected DUI Traffic Stop

6 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If your area has been plagued by forest fires, you know just how panic stricken you can feel if you've had to flee your home. Generally, police officers in the area will be helpful in assisting people to safely get out of the area, but that doesn't mean that they've forgotten about watching for people who may be breaking the law. Getting pulled over for a suspected DUI might be the last thing that you imagine you'd encounter when you're getting out of a forest fire zone, but there are several things that may lead a police officer to believe that you're inebriated. Read More …

Three Types Of Community Service That May Be Appropriate After A DUI Arrest

6 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Fighting your recent DUI charge might be your initial mindset, but once you've hired a DUI attorney and reviewed the strong evidence against you, it may be a bad idea to attempt to get the charge dismissed. A better idea could be to plead guilty to the charge and ask for a lenient sentence, such as community service. This outcome is likely for a first-time offense, and it doesn't hurt if you and your DUI attorney can also come up with some types of community service that you're willing to do. Read More …