Working With A Great Lawyer

Three Types Of Community Service That May Be Appropriate After A DUI Arrest

6 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Fighting your recent DUI charge might be your initial mindset, but once you've hired a DUI attorney and reviewed the strong evidence against you, it may be a bad idea to attempt to get the charge dismissed. A better idea could be to plead guilty to the charge and ask for a lenient sentence, such as community service. This outcome is likely for a first-time offense, and it doesn't hurt if you and your DUI attorney can also come up with some types of community service that you're willing to do. Read More …

Long-Term Disability Appeals: A Four Step Process

6 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

The last thing that you want to worry about is loss of income after you have sustained a serious accident. Many injured workers are unable to work for an extended period of time due to illness or injury. Disability insurance is designed to help supplement a person's income until he or she can return to work. Long-term disability specifically serves the needs of those who will be out of work for a long time. Read More …

Legal Problems That You Can Face From Using Performance-Enhancing Drugs

5 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you're thinking about using performance-enhancing drugs, perhaps because other fitness enthusiasts in your social circle use them, it's easy to overlook their illegal nature. You may also be thinking how these drugs could hurt you, but not pose a risk to the community at large — and this mindset could again make you overlook the seriousness of this decision. While your doctor could likely give you a long list of reasons to stay away from performance-enhancing drugs, you should also stay away from them for legal reasons. Read More …

How a Windfall of Cash Affects Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

4 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you get ready to consider Chapter 7 bankruptcy as a way to relieve your debt issues, you will need to consider whether you just received or will be receiving a windfall of cash some time soon. A windfall of cash can affect your bankruptcy case, so here are several important things to know about this. Filing for Chapter 7 is based on your current income When you complete the test to determine if you qualify to file for Chapter 7, you will have to include all the income you received during the last 180 days, which is about six months of income. Read More …

Examples Of Personal Injury Cases That Involve Recklessness

3 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

People often associate personal injury cases with negligence or carelessness. For example, if you've fallen and hurt yourself because a store didn't clean up a wet and slippery floor, this is a case of negligence. The store's employees weren't malicious, but didn't do enough to provide you with a safe shopping experience. However, there are also personal injury cases that involve recklessness. In other words, one party intentionally behaved in a reckless manner, resulting in an injury to another party. Read More …