Working With A Great Lawyer

Dealing With Unfair Pay At Work

10 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Although money is needed to make a living, it doesn't mean that someone has to accept unfair treatment by an employer to bring home an income. It is necessary for the majority of employers to pay a specific rate per hour, but it depends on the job type and state laws. If you have a stressful job that involves doing a substantial amount of work for a very small rate of pay per hour, something can possibly be done about it. Read More …

3 Ways A Family Lawyer Can Help You Out

12 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to matters of family, it can be helpful to have an attorney on-call. Family law attorneys handle divorce and custody issues, as well as estates and wills, and prenuptial agreements. #1 Prenuptial Agreement Before you get married, it can be helpful to have a prenuptial agreement in place. Prenuptial agreements are not just for the wealthy. They are for anyone who is getting married and wants to help protect their assets in the event of a divorce. Read More …

Questions To Ask Possible DUI Attorneys

24 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you get arrested for a DUI, you can expect to go through a long legal process to clear your name. Before you do anything, you need to retain a DUI defense attorney to represent you. When you search for an attorney, there are several questions you should plan to ask before you make a final decision. The following are some questions you should ask before choosing an attorney: What Is Your Experience? Read More …

The First Two Steps To Take When A Medical Device Fails

13 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Have you put your trust in a doctor, a medical device manufacturer, and the FDA only to be left feeling worse now than you did before the doctor suggested the treatment that you've undergone? If you've been injured by a medical device failure, there's some things that you can do to help you get through the next steps in your life a little easier. Here, you'll find some tips that will help. Read More …

Three Ways To Reduce The Amount Of Child Support You’re Required To Pay

13 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Most parents want to ensure their children have what they need to grow up happy and healthy, but sometimes parents find the child support payments they're ordered to pay too financially burdensome. If you're struggling to meet your support obligation every month, here are three ways to get the amount reduced to something more manageable. Show Your Financial Situation Has Changed The amount of child support you are required to pay was calculated based on the income and assets reported to the court at the time the order went into effect. Read More …