Working With A Great Lawyer

Divorcing A Divorce Attorney: Why You Need Another Divorce Attorney On Your Side

12 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Do divorce attorneys ever marry, given what they know are the facts about the survival of marriage in this country and what they have witnessed as divorce attorneys? Surprisingly, some of them do marry. However, they are not immune to divorce themselves. If you married and are now divorcing a divorce attorney, you are going to need a lot of legal help on your side of the courtroom. Here is why. There Are No Laws Against Attorneys Representing Themselves in a Divorce Case Read More …

Top Reasons to Get a Personal Injury Attorney

12 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you have been injured through no fault of your own, you will want to take action to protect yourself and your future. There are a lot of reasons to hire one of the best personal injury attorneys that you can find. Here are a few of them: You Need Help With Your Medical Bills Even with medical insurance, there is a good chance that you are going to start receiving medical bills for your deductibles and co-payments. Read More …

Getting The Help You Need For A Divorce

12 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Divorce can be hurtful, but it doesn't have to break you. Even better, if you handle your business properly -- it won't. It's up to you to get professional assistance and know which decisions will be crucial in helping you out during the trials that come with divorce.  So take a deep breath and read the following tips.  Know Your Life Needs -- Think About Your Family, Your Finances, and What You Want to Accomplish Moving Forward Read More …

Should You Appeal Or Restart Your Social Security Disability Claim After A Denial?

11 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

It can be disheartening having the Social Security Administration (SSA) deny your application for benefits, and it may not always be clear what your next step should be. Should you appeal the denial or start all over with a new claim? Here are a couple of questions to ask to help you determine which option gives you the best chances of getting approved for disability benefits. Can You Refute the Denial Reason Right Away? Read More …

Can You Adopt the Foster Child Staying with You?

11 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Being a foster parent can be very rewarding. You get to care for another child as if they were your own, and oftentimes, that child really does come to feel like your own after some time. If you feel particularly close to a child you've been fostering, you might even be thinking of adopting them. Is this possible? What does the process involve? Keep reading to learn. Is the child up for adoption? Read More …